Waverley Road Crosswalk Flag Financial Statement

In terms of revenue the most significant contribution was from Councillor Andrew Younger.  A number of businesses (11) along Waverley Road each also contributed to the cost of the project.  Excluding seed money $2,865 was provided.

The flags were the most significant expense, totaling $1,650 or 58% of the total cost.  The reflective tape placed on the flags was a further $427, or 15% of the cost.  Additional costs were required for the buckets, brochure delivery, bank charges and administration.

The Waverley Road Crosswalk Flag team would like to thank Councillor Younger and those businesses who funded this initiatve.  Please see the Adopt-a-Crosswalk tab for a list of these generous businesses.

Following is a link to the financial statement. 

Financial Statement.xls Financial Statement.xls
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